1. I do high school online, and often like studying in different places so a smaller screen is everything to me! I use the samsung galaxy book3. I t has amazing battery life, ok memory (i store everything in a google drive) and is super lightweight and easy to understand. totally recommend

  2. if anyone can help with a recommendation i need a new laptop.. i have to start my thesis, but i also want to play games in it 🙂

  3. there is no one good laptop for school. If you’re doing engineering you will thank yourself to get something with a good cpu (for modeling and software) and a good gpu (for rendering) and with 16-32gb of ram for all tasks. A gaming laptop is the only one that is gonna do all that. $500 can you get a decent gaming laptop that’ll rival a 1500 macbook

  4. the lonovo 500e is one of the best u can buy i used alot of chromebooks but ive been using a lenovo 500e for almost 3 years and its one of the best u can buy for school

  5. Can you make a long form video of find the perfect laptop? I’m going to college majoring writing and want to find good ones.

  6. My mom has a Windows 8 Surface, (obviously the os has been updated) and it STILL WORKS. This thing was literally manufactured in 2012.

  7. Here’s a setup I suggest
    An I5-13600K and if you want a graphics card a nvidia rtx 2060 does the job but your choice
    16 gb of ram cause 8 is too small nowa days
    512 GB cause files are taking more storage
    12 inches at minimum
    Looks for a 1920 x 1080 resolution in screen size

  8. Gaming laptop and then go dual boot with linux for games where you can plug it for work or school where you need battey life

  9. Just buy an old laptop change the hard drive with an ssd and buy some ram… It would be better than a new one.. Also you can buy a cheap windows and an powerpoint off G2A 😮

  10. Don’t ever buy consumer grade laptops. If you’re going to buy a Dell, Lenovo, HP, etc, look into their business class models. They’re going to be more sturdy and dependable. Consumer level are throw away tech bundled with spyware. They’re a waste of money.

  11. For college just go for an 8+ ram and ssd laptop if you need any extra storage you can just get an external disk

  12. I bougth a laptop screen and biult a pc then i glued the laptop screen to the case back plate and it was absolutely worth it

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