1. Meh, from my experience it’s 99% of people that thinks that their 8y/o PC is still worth close to what they paid for back then.

  2. It’s a lot easier to haggle the price lower if the specs aren’t listed because that usually means that the seller doesn’t know about pcs

  3. The best pcs are the ones that are not flashy with the listing it should only say gaming pc and should be a mom selling there sons pc or somthing on the lines of that

  4. Nah this is how
    1) have at least $20

    2) buy fake AirPods from temu

    3) sell the AirPods for $150

    4) buy 7 more and sell them for $150 each

    5) buy gaming pc and follow what Carter did but now you have a bit more money to spend so the pc looks cooler so you can sell it easier and and now you rich

  5. Hi, I’m sorry, how much money is needed to collect a normal gaming system? And can you buy all these items in installments? I would be happy if you could help me ❤️❤️ because I want to buy a computer and a PS5

  6. people in my area sell pcs for like 70% extraa than what their worth only specs they say dont lowball i know what i have and this is a gaming beast can run anything for like 150k pkr then its a gtx 1070 ti (you can get a build with a ryzen 5 5500 rx 5700 xt for that range and have room to spare)

  7. My mom wouldn’t buy me a pc that had a 7800xt and 64g ddr4 ram for 250 even after I tried convincing her 😔😔😔

  8. Well part #2 every wonder why ( 2020 and 2021 when you wanna to buy your ( DAD, brother new Ps5 only for $1500 ) right here Fake youtuber ,telling normal class and middle class hard working America to ( Jack up the price of ( .Gaming Pc so you pay more like ([$1500 or 2000 more dollars] .please don’t listen to this Fake Try hard wanna be YT on pc FB market place 😂😂😂😂😂

  9. You know it’s possible to remove comments that have specific words? For example, totally unrelated to any comment that has ever been posted on your channel, you could ban "thug" and "shake"…

  10. bro it is very easy to make quick money but the problem is that people dont really trust u so they will ask to view it earlier or smthn like that so best thing is to becoime a seller on amazon

  11. Yes, but you also have to look at how much it has been used. You’re not just going to give people the full price 😭

  12. Where i live, people either want to trade their 1050ti+ 20$ for a 4070, or they want $200 over retail for what they have

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