The BEST Cloud Storage in 2024? Dropbox vs Google Drive vs iDrive vs Sync vs pCloud vs OneDrive

The BEST Cloud Storage in 2024? Dropbox vs Google Drive vs iDrive vs Sync vs pCloud vs OneDrive

In this video, I’m comparing 7 of the top cloud storage services: iDrive, OneDrive,, pCloud, Google Drive, DropBox and iCloud, and putting them up against each other in the following categories: price, features, speed, security, and backup and retention. I’ve listed some really good discounts down below so, if you’re looking for a Cloud Storage option, then there are some great choices right here…

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⏩ Skip to these time stamps
00:00 5 Features of Cloud Services
00:29 Pricing
01:28 Unlimited?
01:57 Features
03:15 Limitations
04:41 Speed
05:20 Data Retention
06:32 Security
08:12 Breaches
09:01 Recommendations


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My name is Pete and from 2011, I started and grew an IT Support and Services Company from £0 to over £1m in turnover before selling the business in 2020. New video’s every Wednesday and Saturday! I upload vlogs, tech reviews, how-to / behind the scenes technology videos.

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Disclosures: All opinions are my own. Some links in the descriptions are affiliate links that if you click on, I’ll receive a commission at no additional cost to you.

–SMPOST–Trying to navigate the minefield of cloud storage? Then this video is for you!


  1. I dropped iDrive 3 months ago when I discovered they had stopped backing up my files and had even deactivated my account. Why? Because I had unchecked the "auto-renenal" option. I prefer to pay manually, I don’t want my bank account automatically deducted on an annual basis. IDrive doesn’t tell you this, and yet, they make "auto-renewal" an option in your online account.

  2. Tbh, as an Apple user, iCloud is SO bad. It’s not a delocalized storage solution, it’s only mirroring. You can’t have some data on the cloud without having them on cloud, which seems crazy to me. That’s literally the point of using cloud…

  3. onedrive can’t even tell how to manage photos, and is the main reason why people choose cloud in the first place, onedrive also fails misserably when you try to upload big files, i remember losing a job project thanks to onedrive taking over half a day to sync a file

  4. one concern of mine is eg if you take a 100gigs plan of Google drive. If it gets maxed out you can’t opt out for same plan but take next ie 200gigs. Is there any bypass?

  5. I hate google drive and google one, highest cost and they constantly move and lose all my photos, loooved onedrive years ago when first had it as it synced seamlessly

  6. beware with caution I cloud will manage yo files like a cluts if u make music vid editing move with caution I swipe all my wavs and made them from mb to kb and corrupted even zip maybe I was using it wrong but my homie told me wen iCloud is getting full it purges big files if u apple and use google drive zip/compress everything I still cry sometimes thinking about lost songs and vids that sh*tcloud threw away

  7. NAS is king. Instead of paying 200$ a year for 2tb per year. Buy a synology NAS aroun $500 and cheap drive of your choice, and youll have usable space of TB of data at your own disposal, unlimited users and even upgradeable for expansions. 16tb is around $300.

  8. I use Apple’s icloud to sync a desktop folder across all my Macs, but I also have Dropbox and G-Drive syncing the same desktop folder, which all seems redundant, but I need Dropbox for sharing files with other business, and unfortunately DropBox doesn’t store G-sheets or G-Docs so I also pay for G-Drive. What would you recommend for streamlining my cloud storage ?

  9. Nah. Google is trash really. What a disappointment. Especially in google photo. In my case. If a photo/video is already backed up. Then i want to keep the local file only. I cant do that. If i delete files thats already on the cloud permanently then my local files are gone too. What a shame. There is no option to just delete photos on the cloud only. Because of google, I already lost so much memorable memories, and i cant get it back. Google is TRASH

  10. Onedrive gived you 1TB, then another 7 TB to give away for free to family/friends. Onedrive is WAAAY above the others when it come to price.
    Also Onedrive ( Microsoft, NEVER have been hacked in a way that compromised their users.

  11. I hate cloud storage, it always is intrusive and violating privacy especially One Drive. Worst part is how it takes you data hostage and will delete years of work becuase "Oh well to bad so sad " nihilistic Engineers.

  12. I just want to sync my photos and videos of my phone while keeping the same folder structure instead of a big mess of all files in a single bucket, and having a clear indication whether a file I’m deleting on the cloud will be deleted on the phone and vice versa. Google Photos fails on all of these items.

  13. I’m on Iphone. Does anyone know if there is a way to quickly select multiple files (hundreds upon hundreds from dozens of folders) and download them all from an iphone?

  14. I feel like when you look at pricing you should also look the amount of users. Some companies charge a lot per user added to an account.

  15. With I drive, i dont want backup, I just want somewhere to store video tha i am going to edit or have already edited. Is this possible? Every thing says back up.

  16. A few observations regarding OneDrive. i) The pricing in your video is for the whole of Microsoft 365, not just OneDrive. ii) The 30 day retention you mention is for files that have been deleted. Versions of current files are kept for much longer (about 6 months, I think). iii) It has the ability for password protected shared folders. As far as I know, the others don’t. iv) The file naming rules are different from Windows, so beware if you have some machine named content with odd characters or very long names (e.g. files from a WordPress or Joomla site). I got caught out with this a few years ago when I migrated from Google Drive.

  17. I use both Google Drive and Dropbox. Here’s my experience with both:

    Google Drive issues: When someone shares a Google Drive Folder and I upload something to it, what I upload counts against my Google Drive storage quota, not the folder’s owner Google Drive storage quota. I think this is convoluted.

    Also, many times when trying to share a folder, I get an error saying that sharing is not available right now and to try again later. Additionally, some of the files I upload become unclickable after a day or two. No one I share them to or myself can even click on them. Google Drive is unstable in my opinion.


    Dropbox issues: When I upload a lot of large files to a folder and then share that folder to a colleague, Dropbox automatically loads those files to his Dropbox which overfills his storage capacity. In order for him to access the files, he has to upgrade to more Dropbox storage.

    I would expect when I share a folder that the contents should be available to the recipient without having those files somehow load up their account’s storage as well.

    I think what Dropbox is doing is a way to make more money by selling more storage. That’s why I stopped using Dropbox and would never buy any of their services.

  18. AVG got scammy in recent years. I kept calling them to cancel my service but they kept charging me. I finally had to contact my bank to block them.

  19. What if I need only a cloud based backup of the family media archive (photos and videos) from my home NAS/private cloud?
    How about AWS S3 own setup, using e.g. Glacier service, Retention Polices, etc. I mean I don’t really need to be able to watch or play anything from it. Just an external, physically separated backup of most important stuff (3-2-1 principle).
    To have online access to photos & videos I will use home NAS.

  20. None of those. MEGA all the way. It’s the only open-source cloud, the only one with end-to-end security, the only one with Linux support, and the only one offering 20GB of free storage.

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