NEW PS Plus Explained! Is it BETTER than Xbox Gamepass?
The all-new PlayStation Plus is here and it’s split into 3 tiers; Essential, Extra and Premium. But which is the best PS Plus plan to go for? I’ll go over what’s included the games for PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5 and PSP. What Cloud Streaming actually is, aka PS Now, the PS5 game trials, what are the main differences? PS Plus Essentials, PS Plus Extra, PS Plus Premium – Which PS Plus 2022 Should You Buy?
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No one cares they are literally just gaming systems so shut up
PlayStation Plus is much weaker than game pass
The main question is, can I pay for the service and with out using my ps5 can I play on my iPad at work ? 😂
Bought premium for a year at half price last month.
Xbox copyed ps first
Borrowed games until ps decided to lock and charge you spent hours on games rd2 and cant play on ps plus anymore but if i pay 55 pound for old game that i have on new xbox that unless i remove will never be removed
Gotta stop eating at school now 😭🙏
I bought the highest tier for one year but my internet can’t handle game streaming so I wish I got the tier below
PlayStation 4 used to have
GTA plus and Xbox copied it from PlayStation. I remember when you had PlayStation plus gta plus was free It’s kind of ridiculous. You gotta pay for it. Now 7:99 a month.
Bruh PlayStation plus has been a thing
It never copied
I like playstation so ill let it slide
Why cant anyone be happy
Just say it you love xbox
PC: What? you need to spend every months to play online😳
I just use essential for ps plus so I can play online in ncaa 25
They already had that other subscription they just combined ps plus and that this isn’t really new
Thank you so much for this video. I was so confused.
Fucks sake i have to pay even more to play gta online
Xbox game pass is 100x better. I don’t even like the Xbox console but at least the game pass has a search bar.
Yooo o have one question: ir we bough ps plus primium we cana have the games forever right? And is Nba 2k 25 in ps plus primium?
they’ve had it for years and before that it was playstation now, i’m pretty sure i even remember psnow being on ps3 back in the day
4,500th comment!
How’s that complicated?
It is now 120$ per month 😭😭😭
Ps plus has been out for like 20 years and your just saying this😮
Wonder if they will ever allow the dlc for all the old games like Microsoft dose🤔
Yea I just upgraded and didn’t know about the older games. They should tell you or something 🤦 thanks for the update
What country are you in send me where to buy
so can I get the gta4
Ps+ premium also lets you stream games, without needing to download them. So you never run out of space and can always play your games instantly
PlayStation needs to bring back the old way where u don’t need plus on PlayStation 3 to play gta5 online multiplayer or any other online multiplayer game based
Do you not remember when they had Playstation Now? That was game pass before game pass, it was also only cloud gaming. They merged PS Now into PS Plus.
I hate that PlayStation is for money and style but Xbox is about gaming 😢 I’m starting to realize
Didn’t copy just made something better
so being exactly the same as xbox is being complicated
whats complicated about that? 😂😂
I have a portable and the new beta feature is available but I am in a region where I don’t get premium but I do get deluxe which states it I can have the features of what premium has but I do not have access like premuim
Fvk.em subscriptions… one here one there and so on and before you know it ure throwing hundreds away a month.
At least Xbox offers their games for sale in the store , PS plus if you don’t buy premium you can’t play the old school games you can’t even buy them. At this point PS just begging people to buy a PC
They did not copy xbox xbox copied ps now playstation shut down psnow in 2020, and now they rereleased it as an upgrade to psplus
Do you need to download the games in the ps plus extra if you want to play them
"Made everything so complicated"
Get the most expensive monthly subscription and you get access to everything…there
it sucks lol
Omagawd I’m so fortunate my friend bought me premium for a year no cap best bro 🔥💯
Remember when playing multiplayer was free? Yeah whatever servers and all but the only way now to experience free multiplayer is PC.
I feel like extra is the best one
I think they did it better than Xbox,but I do miss playing online for free
I wouldn’t recommend ps+ I bought it on my new ps5 it’s rlly bad I couldn’t even get some good free games like Minecraft is £15 got that free on my Xbox and I don’t even have Xbox Gamepass