1. Mad respect for saying yes bro. sometimes opportunities present themself and you Gotta take them. i am kind of a Adriannotch fan, but this recovery was a great message. you both already won For participating!

  2. Outstanding work, Adriannotch! I’m thrilled to see you taking on these despicable individuals. It’s our responsibility to do everything possible to shield the elderly and the general public from these reprehensible scammers. You deserve all the accolades! Your commitment to our safety is remarkable and worthy of the highest recognition, such as the Nobel prize.

  3. Honestly, he’s an amazing person. He uses his time, moves and basically his life into helping people who are less fortunate. using an excellent money recovery model as well in making profits, he really is still doing it out of his own heart. you really are a saint Adriannotch and a Wonderful Wonderful Person. Loves from England

  4. I would argue the opposite, keeping your wealth in Melting FIAT currency…Is worse, as say save $150,000 in the bank…
    Within 10 years the purchasing power of $150k will be cut in half $75k due to inflation and money printing
    Instead Swap 90% of your Melting fiat currency into the Hardest Asset on Earth Bitcoin…and in 7 years you will be Free Financially to live off 5% of your bitcoin bag each year…. And keep the rest in your hard wallet too increase over time even more.

  5. CRYPTO SCAM VICTIM? As a Retired combat Marine I want to tell you that as what you are doing is just as important as any warrior on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against these criminals and terrorists on the digital battlefield. You are defending and protecting the most vulnerable of our society against these predator. Keep up the good works Adriannotch

  6. Buy low, sell high. Thats the main thing to ALWAYS keep in mind, theres some exceptions like Bitcoin but when youre going for cheaper coins only worth a few cents never buy them when their high.

  7. I’m sitting here in Australia with tears in my eyes from thanking so hard. This is Brilliant on so many levels. Thank you Adriannotch. If you never caused a scammer to have a heart attack or burst aneurism, this one hundred k recovery for sure came pretty Close. Keep it up, Please

  8. Wholeheartedly he’s an astonishing person. He uses his time, moves and basically his life into helping people who are less fortunate. Using an excellent money recovery model as well in making profits, he really is still doing it out of his own heart. You really are a saint Adrian notch and a wonderful wonderful person. Love from New York

  9. I will keep on supporting people like you Adriannotch because i hate scammers! I hate people who don’t like to work but keep on taking advantage of the vulnerable population!!!!

  10. Adriannotch , for your relentless efforts in aiding scam victims. These despicable scammers deserve to face public exposure and humiliation for their actions. They have no rightful place in our world. Sir, your exceptional work has our unwavering support. May you and your associates continue to wield great power in this fight. We stand by you from Dalry, England. More power to you!

  11. Thank you all for ur tremendous efforts…India and Indians will forever remain Grateful to Adriannotch since we are tired of these sick type of people who Cheat and loot others of their hard earned money. Thanks once again and we wish u success in many such more efforts….

  12. Bravo, Adriannotch! I’m so glad you’re out there fighting these scumbags. We must do everything in our power to protect the elderly and the general public from these despicable scammers. You’re a true hero, my brother.!

  13. Thank you for posting! Looking for advice: My Tron Wallet holds some Tether USDT, and I have the SEED: -clean- -party- -soccer- -advance- -audit- -clean- -evil- -finish -tonight- -involve- -whip- -action-. What’s the best way should I go about sending them to my Binance account?

  14. Great work done by Team Adriannotch -I’m so glad you’re out there fighting these swindlers. We must do everything possible to protect the elderly and the general public from these despicable con artists! You deserve it!! You should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for keeping us safe!

  15. The way you guys just remain humble & move behind the recommendation is how more people should move. You Adriannotch on the internet deserve it all! This Helps people see how much of an angel Strong widget is. I’m proud of you man. The Main reason you inspire me to help people.

  16. Adriannotch The level of bravery this took was INSANE. These people all had their life in danger, but you still decided to go through with the recovery of their assets by busting the swindlers. True respect If the law enforcement was half as dedicated and ingenious and honest as you guys are, the USA would be a much safer country. Amazing work!

  17. I love this and, Adriannotch, you are a freaking LEGEND my dude! I love the recovery’s videos and the angry scammers and the hacking of their wallet but I absolutely love these videos where you help the victims in real time. I don’t have much confidence in this scammer "coming to the good side" so to speak but I hope you come out with more ideas like this, stopping the scams with the victims.

  18. Very well done Adriannotch for stopping even more scammers. I’m from Michigan, My question is why are the USA FBI not shutting more of these scammers down and throwing them into jail for a very long time. They are (scamming innocent people worldwide not only in the Michigan. Keep) up your fantastic work!! You deserve an Oscar Awards For your generosity. you have stepped up with courage and strength!!! you put to do this…

  19. Thank you for the content! am super excited about how my crypto investment is going so far, making $28,000 weekly from trading regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.😊

  20. I just gotta say as a 29 year old veteran in computer science, you guys rock. Thank you so much for helping these scammed folks keep their hard earned savings. God Bless! Unbelievable verses dude. It doesn’t get much better than this, this is as top tier as it gets. Seriously, this is one of the strongest person I’ve heard in a long ass time. Incredible. Adriannotch

  21. I wish there was more people like you to stop all these scammers, they need serious jail time for that, especially when they take money from the elderly, keep doing what your doing Adriannotch put the wind up these low life oxygen thief’s Love what you guys do keep up the great work mate well done Respect.

  22. 30 days. We’ve overcome a lot of ups and downs, joy and tears, THE GREAT RECOVERYs, amazing game plans, slapping scammers, a total of $14 million recovered, and here we are the end of the journey. It was fun while it lasted, but every series has an ending. Hope Adriannotch reach 10 mil subs soon for your hard work

  23. Keep up the great work Adriannotch, and never get down about what you do. These scum are responsible not you. So keep your head up regardless of what happens. You keep saving people all the time, so just remember those you have already saved if you ever get down. Love your channel and always stay positive.

  24. Yeahh ,that’s right ,it’s like a slot machine ,if you use all the money there’s a 70-80% chance you’ll lose everything ,i don’t do that sh*t ,but i’m 16 and… i need crypto info for money ✅️

  25. Fantastic advice! In crypto … we do just this! It’s called dollar cost averaging! D.C.A. It will more than likely 100X and NOT go to 0!

  26. wiseman once said high risk..high return if you dont take the risk you never learn to be succesfull …but the wiseman just ask me for 1 dollar to buy him a coffee😂😂

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