Scott talks about what he considers to be good and bad deals in gaming, i.e. somebody was finally brave enough to talk about Mass Effect 3 on Wii U.
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Music Used:
“Hill Top Zone” from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
“Mini Game – SOS Backup” from Sonic Frontiers
“Ending Credits” from Super Mario World
“Spocco Square” from Nintendo Switch Sports
“Friends Theme – A New Meeting” from Pokemon X & Y
“Athletic Theme” from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
“Overworld Theme” from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
“New Donk City (Daytime)” from Super Mario Odyssey
“Aqua Star” from Kirby 64: The Crystal Stars
“Factory Beat” from The Lost Vikings
“The Croutonian Ship” from The Lost Vikings
“Windy Hill (Windy Valley)” from Sonic Adventure
“Mexican Flyer” from Space Channel 5
“Aquatic Ruin Zone” from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
“Dragon Roost Island” from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
“Bob-omb Battlefield” from Super Mario 64
“Comet Observatory 3” from Super Mario Galaxy
“Slider” from Super Mario 64
“Map (World 5)” from Super Mario 3D Land
“Classic Tennis” from Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
“Metal Mario” from Super Mario 64
“Busted Bayou” from Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
“Coin Drop” from Nintendo Land
“Cranky’s Flight School” from Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast
“Angel Island Zone (Act 1)” from Sonic the Hedgehog 3
“Losing Results” from Mario Kart Wii
“Break In (Original Piece)” by Garrett Williamson (https://youtu.be/sJP4G-NP-dw)
I hate digital games. You usually end up paying more for them. Can’t save money by buying it used. Can’t collect them. Can’t borrow or lend them. Can’t trade them in. You do not and never will own it even though you paid for it. And they can literally remove it from your console at any time they feel like doing so and they don’t have to even give you a reason why.
Hey all Scott here itid1878 s me scat the Watts
Did Bayonetta always have short hair, or did they just ruin her and make her ugly for the third game?
I bought the last of us part 1 but only cause it was on a huge sale
3D Allstars basically doubled in value, so that would have been an amazing deal.
I still hate that digital games cost the same than physical
Luigi’s mansion 2 HD switch is terrible
With dlc and everything on steam it’s almost 100$ , I just ripped it with dlc, it was decent. I alrdy played it on ps3 I still have that copy. Also that Mario all star 3d is 125$ everywhere
Yeah but what if you never played Part 1?
If you do the math for the sega dream cast at 22$ a month 2 year contract, its a bad deal since the Dreamcast was 199$ at retail which means you’d spend 264$ twice since it’s a contract.
Not to mention since the Dreamcast was in a dire situation you’d probably be able to find it cheaper used or on discounts, just food for thought
The problem with the $70 game is more about principle then price.
We live in a day and age where it is cheaper then ever to make and produce games, especially digitally. And while sure bigger games may demand a bigger budget for graphics, actors, and maintenance (like for live services), your standard ‘triple A’ single player game shouldn’t have to worry about a lot of expenses relative to what I mentioned, beyond again, graphics and actors of course. Most games of that ‘triple A’ renown usually do make even pretty easily when you have sales in the millions.
But in general, games don’t need to be marked up to make money. Its not that I have a problem with a 70$ price tag in of itself, but if you’re increasing the price for arbitrary reasons then there is not much stopping them from going say, 80, or 90, or etc to find that perfect spot of milking consumers without being so overpriced as to be unaffordable. Thats what I don’t like about the push for 70$ games. Demon souls is a great example, there’s no reason for to be priced at 70$ instead of 60$.
This video is 2 years old, sure, but I’m still gonna comment like it was uploaded last week. Scott, you act like $70 is just gonna be "a new wacky experiment" and not "the new standard" (which is a lie of a price, you needa pay $100 for the Full Experience ™ for games these days". Never believe companies when they say sh*t like "We HAVE to increase prices". No. They have to increase prices…to maintain the same profit margins.
Scott should see the price of Mario 3D All Stars for the Switch now ($119.99 USD)
5:05 Scott predicted the PS5 Pro press conference
10:18 that crunch hurt me
I remember back in my day, around 2009-2010, I was saving up for Mario Power Tennis (Wii version), which was relatively new. And it only costed $30.
here are good deals halo the master chief collection and the orange box
so on halo mcc we have
halo 1 anniversary
halo 2 anniversary
halo 3
halo 3 odst
halo reach
halo 4
plus more customization and maps
all for 25£ like what a deal and the orange box u get
half life 2
half life 2 ep 1
half life 2 ep 2
team fortress 2
all for well idk the price but i recon its like 15-25£
Whats on his lip
Don’t look up how much the deal for the switch mario all stars is now… can’t get it under 100€ in EU. 🙁 …why would they produce this only for a limited time.
I don’t know, I feel like 2 is just generally a better number of witches
Love watching your videos! ❤
I know it’s late but the episode aiges dlc for persona 3 reload is a bit mutch
A lot of these remasters aren’t for people who have already played the games, but from people who haven’t, and that changes the value of the game for certain people, YOU might see it as an old game that you already played, while someone else might see it as a brand new game they’ve never heard of before.
Regardless of price, i refuse to pirate games. I have a gut feeling that it wont actually be worth it in the end.
Well Super Mario 3d All stars SECOND HAND cost around 90.000Huf witch is around 250$. Like i get it. It can’t be bought new, so there’s only a limited amount, but COME ON!
Full price Games are ~97 dollars here in Switzerland digital at launch sometimes 😂
One word: INFLATION.
9:10 hey, $20 is $20 Scott
Im still salty about them going from 50-60 70 seems so unreal to me it.might aswell be a million. I am old now.
10:49 Ok but they removed the voiceline where he says "so long Gay Bowser" so WHAT’S THE POINT?
Please do a part 2 to this
im kinda sad he didnt adjust for inflation when calculating some of the re-releases
Here is my thing, used a credit card to go on vacation when I probably shouldn’t have. BUT I payed it off fully before interest kicked in. So I think you can use a credit card to travel if you do it right
Recently got ac mirage for 40$ n felt it was a good deal but mostly been buying older games I never played so been getting plenty of good deals I feel lol
The Witcher 3 complete edition is 80% off right now
Minecraft is the best deal
Jokes on you, Scott, I got TLOU Part 1 for PS5 on sale, at a discounted price at the Target I work at 😎
14:20 you’ve been gnomed
The difference-
Fan made: 480p
LEGO: 4k
0:43 Scott’s flashin the Benjamin💸💸
When games turned towards the last of us games started to suck. Let’s make games into movies. Forget fun game play. It’s all graphics and cutscenes
Game deals are wayyy to expensive nowadays
Me thinks the price hike is Sony/MSFT trying to make up the hardware manufacturing cost loss on licensing deals.
8:10 the psmd ost🙏🙏
I found FC 25 on the ps5 store for 90 dollars. It is basically the same game, now the 6th time in a row or smth.
9:55 to be fair now that the wii u eshop is closed, 3d all stars is a much better deal. Also who tf owns a wii u.
As of today (22.12.24) The Last of Us 1 for PS5 is 89,99€ in Germany. It’s the digital deluxe edition. But hey, it’s deluxe…. BUT hey, it’s digital!!! What a great deal for christmas 😀
I bought the last of us remastered for 8 dollars. Ill buy the remake if it costs less than double that