Cheap Web Hosting That ACTUALLY Works In 2023

Cheap Web Hosting That ACTUALLY Works In 2023

Looking for a cheap web hosting provider to build your pro website without breaking the bank?
✅ Hostinger $1.79 ➜
✅ InterServer $2.5 ➜
✅ ScalaHosting $2.65 ➜

Check REAL TIME data about all of the web hosting providers I currently test.

Time Stamps

00:00 — Don’t Overpay!
00:35 — 2.5$ Hosting
02:20 — 1.79$ Hosting
03:08 — Do a Test Yourself
04:18 — Best Cheap Web Hosting
06:55 — Performance Comparison

In this video, I showcase 3 affordable web hosting providers for around $2.5 or less. In this video, I answer why you shouldn’t be overpaying for hosting, and why cheap web hosting providers usually are just as good as expensive ones.

Starting with InterServer, whose $2.50 plan offers lightning-fast loading times, a free domain name, free SSL certificates, and email hosting.

✅ InterServer $2.5 ➜

Hostinger comes in at just $1.79 per month and offers every feature you could want. Of course, you’ll have to prepay for 4 years to get the best price, which is around $85. However, Hostinger does feel like a fully premium provider that hasn’t cut any corners even with their cheapest option.

✅ Hostinger $1.79 ➜

ScalaHosting offers daily backups and 10/10 support for just $2.65 a month. It’s a good mix between InterServer and Hostinger. It comes with all of the performance benefits of InterServer (and more) as well as the simplicity and features of Hostinger.

✅ ScalaHosting $2.65 ➜

But beware of the limitations of cheap hosting, as not all providers can handle heavy traffic. I’ve tested the servers and compared their speed, so you can decide which provider is right for you.


  1. I would like to know who gives you the better deal after the discount period runs out. They don’t always make that clear or they just hit you with it at the end of the year.

  2. What options a beginner have if website get social traffic like 500 or 1000 vistors in real time which option will be better yet cheap

  3. Hostinger Support and system is a disaster; it is cheap, and you get what you pain cheap :). They need to find out the issue, but they don’t.
    It is not unlimited; this is misleading. They advertise on the website. You have a limit of 600000 file count. This means max 10 – 12 WordPress websites only.

  4. Hi Emit, Thanks for the great video. Any of these host will jack up prices for Domain and hosting after the first year? Fell into the trap previously with Hosgator, where they really jacked up prices after promo expires

  5. Hi thank you for your video and funny intro. I have to open new site for video / multimedia . any recommendation there, thanks

  6. Hi Emit really I like your funny and entertaining videos and they are full of good information double thumbs up!
    Yes cheap webhosting providers exist like $40 / year or $68 for 2 years plan. But I think deeper;

    can such a cheap webhosting
    -handle fast page speed?
    -can handle 5000 visitors a month (or 30 virtual useres stress test) without any downtime and speed issue?
    – they have good live chat support?
    – additional they offer dedicated ip? (this is my personal view)
    – have cpanel with all functions?
    – can install 10-12 plugins without getting slow page load and lagging admin dashboard?

    I not found any stress test comparison review on the web.
    Happy Weekend !

  7. Wow great content amazing fantastic thank you for sharing wonderful information highly recommended useful platform.

  8. Interserver is horrible. I get it free for 1 year, but brutal bad connection to Europe. Always loading and losting packets. Help support can´t help, he say "all is okay". Never more.

  9. For 99% of people that are building their first site or just need a good-looking business website — cheap hosting is KING. Don’t overpay, start small and scale as you go.
    ✅ InterServer $2.5 ➜
    ✅ Hostinger $1.79 ➜
    ✅ ScalaHosting $2.65 ➜

  10. This video is gold, thank you! Ive used HostGator and Hostinger, but Cloudways with TST20 couppon is the best deal.

  11. Who’s using interserver? Is it better than hostinger? I have a hostinger account and never had any issues with them.

  12. I want to create multiple websites for businesses all over my town. Should I have a limit of websites which I should not surpass because if people visit them at the same time they will crush?

  13. Thanks. I signed up for Scala due to your review. $32 for the first year. You forgot to mention that it will renew for 4 times that price. 🙁

  14. I agree with you about Scala. Customer support is on another level. I also had to ask for help and it happened to be the same Dimitar I guess, super professional interaction. I would totally recommend Scala to anyone. 🔝

  15. Probably should mention that they want 100 something dollars up front then it renews at 6 dollars and some change a month.

  16. I have an old e mail address connected to my web domain, it recently went off and I assume the hosting has gone down, if I re host the website can I re activate the old e mail address through the hosting service?

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