Decentralized finance (DeFi) boom in 2020 and it is still rapidly growing in 2021. All the transactions, such as sending tokens, trading on Uniswap, or yield farming, carried out in the DeFi space are largely run on the Ethereum network which causes the gas fee to spike to an all-time high. In this episode, we will be sharing some insider tips and tricks on how to save on ETH transaction fees, how to cancel and speed up a stuck transaction so that you will be able to trade on the price you desire.
#Ethereum #HowtoSave #Gasfee
0:00 Introduction
01:50 How to turn on the Gas Fees & Custom Nonce setting on MetaMask?
02:43 Simplified explanation on how gas fees work
03:42 TX Street: Blockchain Transaction Visualizer
05:16 Demonstration on Uniswap
06:32 Strategies to save on Transaction Fees
08:37 How to fix stuck transactions?
10:22 What to do if failed transactions doesn’t appear on MetaMask?
11:10 How to cancel or replace a transaction on Uniswap with MetaMask?
12:02 MUST KNOW TIP for trading on Uniswap
14:20 How to improve the chances in succeeding the transaction on Uniswap?
16:09 What is Slippage? What is FrontRunning?
Useful Links:-
TxStreet.com: Blockchain Transaction Visualizer
Uniswap review and tutorial: Beginners guide and advanced tips and tricks
Uniswap Review and Tutorial: Beginners Guide and Advanced Tips and Tricks
MetaMask Guide: How to set up an account? PLUS tips and hacks for advanced users
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I’m not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.
$89 right now
My metamask uniswap gas fee shows above $100, while txstreet median fees shows as $15. Does that mean if I proceed with metamask gas fee of $100, 130+ gewi I will still be charged around $15 ?
Hi – Very useful tutorial – just lost $68 due to Out of gas error – I’d rate it a strong 2 out of 10.
xdai stake and honeyswap better to trade
Thank you my brother
Uniswap fee for just transfering $18 worth of eth to $18 to usdt is $67 right now. This just an pretend swap is just an example of the issues I’m having trying to buy a small amount of cryptocurrency.
Hey guys you know there is a system to get cashback from your gas fees. Check at gas farming videos
I hate that gas fee
Exactly the kind of video I was after!! Thanks!!
i hate ETH i money stuck inside and i need 20 USD ether to take out i am first time using eth for uni and i hate this even i gonna sent by Binance or somewhere its take too much cut always too much
Do gas fees apply when storing them in cold wallets?
I got a failed swap but was not charged gas fee?
“Failed to sign with ledger. U2F DEVICE
_INELGIBLE. note fee and rebase fee are incompatible with uniswap v3”
What should I expect next? No hash on Etherscan only “Failed swap “ on Metamask
What an absolutely brilliant video.
I am currently fuming after a failed transaction on Uniswap. Don’t even know why. The usdt I wanted to swap for wcres just reappeared in my wallet after the swap supposedly went through on etherscan.
Gas fees are now at the time of writing $117 slow.
I wish it was 30$ why does mine say $300. Am i doing something wrong?
I want to do this for the opensea . io fees, but I’m scared it won’t work xdd is there a best way to do it ?
Get UniDexGas (UNDG). It gives u back all your gas fees via cashback 😀
Super helpful video!
Man I’d kill for $27 eth trades now 😆
To much talking for me sorry
Hey, great video, I have that gwei problem in coinbase wallet, high prices of eth, do you have any thoughts on that wallet?
How to unstuck ETC on wrong Network address that was suspended,please need help
Video update requested
Okay thanks it good idea)
My question is can I practice this on metamask swap instead of panacakeswap/uniswap
When i want to swap my usdt/busd yo another token in metaMask on BSC or Eth ??
This shouldn’t be an issue by now. Vitalik has failed us all.
Metamask tutorial: https://boxmining.com/metamask-tutorial/
Ethereum 2.0 Guide: https://boxmining.com/ethereum-2/
Thank you so much. Your video is very informative. You have the gift of simplifying complicated concepts and making them easier to understand. I learned a lot from this video and look forward to more content from your channel. Thanks again!
That’s why I don’t understand ETH. Why so expensive. Binance SC only cost $0.19 – $0.51 per transaction. Why should we use UNISWAP?
Can see the changes on my wallet. Any suggestions. Thanks men
What do you think about UNDG? (cashback on ETH gas fees)
i put 2 dollars gas fees instead of 57$ will it work?
OMG thank you 🙏 so much ! ! !
18 Minutes for Nothing, Rename the Video!
This is very missleading, i still dont know how to save fees!
Is there a way to save on gas prices when swapping crypto on metamask?
what an awesome video! thanks so much.. makes everything clearer
So basically don’t use ethereum
What are your thoughts on Moonswap?
I see transactions on etherscan for $3 gas fee, then try on uniswap and it’s $30! is this right?
On my settings there is no gas contoll only the nonce did they change it
any difference in using uniswap and 1inch for instant trading?
Loved your tips.. Will try them tommorrow..
I tried buying two coins for 350$ each.. Gas fees for normal.. 30 hours gone buy it was still pending ..i cancelled them..
Then sent half of my eth back to binance even that hasn’t passed been more than a day
Do u think uniswap is just too expensive now. M thinking of buying on gate
Wow, well I didn’t know any of that. good to know. Thanks
Great video. If I am doing a swap and it got canceled, do I get back my gas fees?
Boxmining Thank yo for video. but I need your help.
I have problem with Metamask. I can not buy quickly. Increased gas price but how can I find current gas limit and nonce?
On IDOs can not buy quickly.
thanks a lot
This video makes me even more bullish on Cardano 😀
The best day to buy are TUESDAY- LATE NIGHT AND FRIDAY 2- TO 5 PM
The reason for using a blockchain is to completely avoid manipulation right?
You just showed how the ETH blockchain is BS!
By the way, the reason I clicked on this video is that this stupid ETH blockchain is charging me $159.00 to STAKE a coin ok.
I’m not trading/swapping, I am trying to stake.
Yeah that back ground was annoying.
wait why did you put nonce 19 in the first place????
These fees will bring crypto down no new investors will want to do this Sucks
Lol try $100 today