1. My Chromebook at school has 4gb of ram, 16 gb of storage, 9 inch 720p screen, and a 13 year old cpu (forgot the name)

  2. I have the Lenovo thinkpad and it’s the best laptop you can buy (in my opinion) it’s relatively fast and has great storage (i also payed extra for it to have extra storage)

  3. I won’t be afraid to talk about laptops and cell phones with my Mom because of what Caleb did what can happen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.

  4. No matter what laptop you chose: DO NOT PICK CELERON/ATHLON. I own an IdeaPad with a Celeron 2 I bought in 2019/2020. Windows alone causes it to hit 100% CPU. Get an i3/Ryzen 3 at the very least (generation is still important, but if it’s a brand new laptop, you don’t need to look at it. If you’re getting an i3, you don’t care that much about performance anyway)

  5. My school laptop from home is an ace Viva book S 15 that has an eighth GENI5 256 GB SSD storage and eight gigs of RAM

  6. This guy: don’t bring a PC with you to college, instead game on your laptop
    Also this guy: Recommends all laptops without GPUs

  7. As electro engineer student who also made some videos,the tuf asus helped me on work , personal and emotional
    Workin on matlab,codevision, Proteus in same time could fry any laptop i ever seen but not this one

  8. YOUR MISSING OUT!! broo i have been using the DELL VOSTRO 5412 i5 it has 8gb and 512 gb, this thing is better than any macbook, and it isnt even that expensive, only arnd a 1000$ but for that price, this thing runs fortnite smoothly, asphalt, and other things, i can multitask, its small, with decent battwr life, super customizable, compact, VERY VERY lightweight and js perfect

  9. The rule is

    Anything that works is good for school and college

    But if you have money or want to show off, then you will go with MacBook.


    its either terrible or actually good i know someone that got a ideapad twice one was terrible specs one was really good

  11. storage isnt too much of a problem since u can just buy external storage which is (In my country at least) near half the price of internal storage. u basically get a small box which u plug into ur computer

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