The Role of Loyalty and Rewards Programs in Crypto

The Role of Loyalty and Rewards Programs in Crypto

Henri Arslanian and Simon Yu, Co-founder and CEO of StormX, share an in-depth discussion on the role of cashback rewards and loyalty programs in the cryptocurrency industry, from how the approach differs from the conventional model to whether such incentivized programs could stimulate broader mainstream adoption of digital assets. The pair also take a look at StormX’s introduction of crypto rewards in exchange for microtasks before moving on to StormX’s sponsorship agreement with the NBA’s Portland Trail Blazers, with Simon giving the audience the inside scoop on how everything came together. This episode is ideal for anyone out there interested in learning more about how and why crypto brands and companies are increasingly making strategic moves towards the mainstream.



0:13 – Introduction and background of Simon Yu, Co-founder & CEO of StormX.

3:52 – Simon runs Henri through the basics of the StormX platform and the introduction of the cashback model to the crypto ecosystem.

10:19 – Henri and Simon discuss StormX’s role in hastening broader adoption and exposure to the cryptocurrency space.

13:23 – Simon walks Henri through StormX’s microtask program and how crypto rewards have incentivized and stimulated a new decentralized labor market.

16:21 – Simon breaks down some of the biggest merchants that have partnered with the StormX platform while teasing some upcoming plans the company has in the works.

21:45 – Simon gives Henri and the audience a behind-the-scenes look at how StormX’s groundbreaking partnership with the Portland Trail Blazers came to be; the two then focus on whether StormX’s sponsorship of an NBA team will lead to more mainstream adoption.

29:44 – Henri and his bell hit Simon with a rapid-fire round of questions, touching upon Simon’s past as a food truck owner along with his favorite crypto platform, his biggest challenges, and his preferred way to relax.

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  1. We realized our loyalty programs could use a boost, so we gave LoyallyAI a shot. It analyzes customer data and lets us tailor experiences based on user behavior. This kind of personalization is key for us. It’s helped create lasting engagement, and we’re building a much more loyal customer base. It’s definitely made a difference!

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