STOP using Cloud Storage! Do this instead:

STOP using Cloud Storage! Do this instead:

If you are still using Cloud Storage, you need to watch this!

Synology Drive:
Synology DiskStation 923+ :
Synology Storage For Creators:
Synology Raid Types:

Buy DiskStation 923+: (Affiliate Amazon)


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  1. "what if your house burns down or NAS is stolen" – Most of us connect an external drive to the NAS, back up the important data to it automatically, and then put it in a Fireproof & Waterproof safe along with our passports/ wills and other important stuff. Rotate it with last month’s backup drive.
    Don’t have a safe? keep the external drive in your car/ parent’s house.

    "Cloud providers, they don’t go down" – eh… nope. Just google "google services down" and see that 3 days ago (at the time of writing this) it was down.

    "Can you backup the NAS offsite?" – 100% – you can do a NAS-to-NAS backup. So you take your nas and it gets backed up to your NAS located in your office or your parent’s house. In fact, you can set up the NAS for your parents/ brothers/ sisters and you become each other’s backup.

    If you want to, use CloudSyc to back up your data from your NAS to the Cloud and visa versa. So when Google goes down, or if you are locked out of your Google account, you can still access your stuff.
    You can use BackBlaze too.

    I want MY data to remain under MY control. If you don’t and trust Cloud providers, by all means – you do that. Just please back up your stuff – and NOT just your documents.

    I have been in this industry for a long time and I 100% know that the same people who come up with all the excuses of why "on prem NAS is a bad idea", are the same people who will bitch and moan WHEN they lose their data and have to rebuild their entire system because they only backed up some data so they can make use of the "free storage".

    But hey, you can use whatever you want – there is no one-solution-fits-all.

  2. And, how much does it continually cost, monthly you for them to keep is secure? Can’t be free after set up!

  3. Yeah, right. A power cut stopped my Nas from working. Luckily, all my data was backed up on the cloud. So…mnaaah

  4. Thanks @lironsegev i am was exactly looking for this. Initially i thought to build my own network after hiring someome to develop a portal which works like this i didnt knew about synology thanks i got exactly what i wanted.

  5. Don’t use this. A hardware NAS is just another point of failure. Instead, use software NAS. You can easily get a cheap refurbished dell optiplex from second hand market and install TrueNAS or something equivalent on it. They also make cases that have tons of HDD slots that you can use with said refurbished computer running TrueNAS

  6. Flawed advice. Agree with the Synology or similar NAS device like QNAP but 1. You don’t need a 4 bay NAS costing a fortune (feel like he was obligated to promote this as video was sponsored by Synology but they have much better priced single bay NAS) 2. You can use OneDrive which is simple to use from mobiles and PCs and then have Synology sync OneDrive or Google drive to NAS. Now you have data in cloud and NAS. A fatal flaw in this suggestion is what if someone breaks in and steals your NAS or you knock it off the table, power surge, or your kid breaks it. It’s the same as your portable drive crashing. Rather have data in the cloud and backed up to NAS

  7. Everyone talks about their house burning down well the same thing could happen to those businesses that provide cloud storage.

  8. That’s for people who owns their home and it’s sure there won’t be any natural disasters or breaking stolen device. For anyone else who rents or moves from time to time cloud storage is best, with a physical drive. I’ve lost a few physical drives, or have been left behind somewhere and so on.

  9. Suggest which software I should use to have this feature:
    I have a laptop with a 500 GB hard disk.
    I have an external hard disk of 2 TB.
    I have a folder named DataA on my laptop with 475 GB of data consisting of folders and files.
    I want to move everything to DataB on the external hard disk.
    However, I should only see shortcuts in DataA for all folders, subfolders, files, and subfiles in the same hierarchy in DataB.
    Additionally, whenever I save any folder or file to DataA, it should upload to the external hard disk folder DataB automatically and save only a shortcut in DataA.
    Optionally, I should also be able to store specific files and folders (not shortcuts) in the folder DataA on my laptop.
    This software should be similar to OneDrive, but it should not use the cloud; instead, it should use my personal external hard disk, which is offline.

  10. I use a personal NAS but doing a due diligence of copying everything everything in a personal HDD and keeping it in a safe location will always help whose main task is to use it in case something worse happens to your personal NAS. Worst case you will loose last 3-6 months data assuming you back it up.

  11. Nah, I’ll pass. Cloud storage is better, because it can’t be damaged or destroyed or lost like your tangible device.

  12. Cloud storage won’t crash as much as the local device where you are most likely not to backup also…so bye-bye data, unless you get a 3rd one that will begin a vicious cycle. Just end it with a cloud storage where those corporation will have a couple of backup server that won’t crash.

  13. "Stop using these affordable backup options and purchase these expensive ones that I’ll make some money from instead!!!" 🤣

  14. I don’t trust cloud end of. Once you save anything on cloud it becomes anybody’s, don’t care what anybody else says it’s not safe

  15. Take your dead External drive, remove the HD plug it in as a secondary drive, boot your laptop and it should showup as another driver letter in explorer and you might be able to copy the pics over to your raid

  16. NAS is great for someone who has the space for it, but it does require maintenance and sometimes they disconnect and/or fail. I personally like using Cloud storage for client files, and external hard drives for client and personal files and put them inside a fireproof safe.

  17. Coming from decades as a pro photographer. You missed one major key point. What about a fire or break-in, etc at your home. You need your media in another location. Especially if you have paying clients. I have used everything. NAS, RAID Towers, and cloud. Now, I buy two of the same decent size external hard drives. Not too much, not too little. Same idea with media cards in your cameras. I use something like super duper or my own eyes to make those drives redundant. I like doing it manually after each job or often as this forces me to delete the edits, plus I get to visually confirm the data is there ( very important). I also recommend something like back blaze or cloud storage at all times (cheap). Once those drives are full or close to full. I pull them both, label them by year, os etc. Wrap them in special bags for hard drives. Put one in a very safe spot at my location and another at my trusted family members home. Once again. In-case of fire, flood, loss, break in etc.
    Your welcome!

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