15 AMAZING PSN Game Deals UNDER $10! PSN Mega March Sale CHEAP PS4/PS5 Games to Buy!
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Intro – 0:00
Yakuza: Like a Dragon PS4 & PS5 – 0:30
Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition – 1:45
ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights – 2:43
Catherine: Full Body – 3:24
Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition – 4:21
Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ – 5:29
Assassin’s Creed® Syndicate – 5:33
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Definitive Edition – 6:34
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster – 7:16
FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered – 9:41
FINAL FANTASY® IX Digital Edition – 10:00
CODE VEIN – 11:07
Streets Of Rage 4 – 11:25
inFAMOUS Second Son – 11:48
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You included FFXII and FFXIII in your top 5, right on!!!! I agree I’m right there with you as well!!!
The remakes will NEVER be as GOOD as the original FFVII and you should feel bad for saying otherwise, sir.
code vein is good?
Final Fantasy IV 1. Final Fantasy VI 2. Final Fantasy 9 3. Final Fantasy 7 4.
Here is a fun one for hard mode on old games, played final fantasy vii without a memory card got to the second disk and got the highwind (left the PlayStation on the whole time.) went to school and came home to my brother playing a totally different game on a demo disk. I was so mad.
Yakuza Like a Dragon is on Netflix.
Weekend offer is up cross 😊👍 where ate the time stamps here, ate we going backwards? Good games none the less 😎👌 I own mostly all of them, never a bad day to get your final fantasy on.
Just to follow up. Veilguard can even been given away for FREE on PS Plus. Its downloads are atrocious 😂😂😂
FF15 and FF7 rebirth are both in my top 5 I have to try the other ones
I had the EXACT same mentality about memory cards playing the original FF8 as a kid. Felt incredibly proud beating Ifrit finally and getting beyond that point just be pressed up against bed time. Wah-waaaah.
Lolol dont worry man let them say watever people want.
Even i dont see FF9 as the best. I actually dropped early. I wasnt feeling it.
#1 still gows for FF7 OG.
#2 FF10
#3 FF16
#4 FF15.
This is without counting remakes.
Ff10,ff type 0, ff7rebirth,ff9,ff16 is my top 5
Your ff10 memory card story was insane, made my day, I listened to your story…
Shadow of war is listed for $49.99 in PlayStation. Where to get the $5.99 version?
How is ff6 nothing your top 5??? Time to go to the gallows
Another Japan games freak…
I understand this is a game recomandation channel and you are doing a great job for us but the most interesting thing about this video was the memory card bit. Would absolutely love a video where you talk just about how was gaming for you in your childhood without one. I know this will not happen as the channel is not about this but maybe spoil us from time to time with a story video like that. I was shaving while listening to the video and when you mentioned the ffx with no memory card bit, I stopped mid shawe and had an expression of "Mother of God!"
The only game on that list i would want is final fantasy X/X2 I have all the other final fantasy games and none of the other games listed interest me
Yea ff9 characters are definitely forgettable
Goddamn it, Dhelsin Rowe… why don’t you leave me alone? You platinum one stupid game years ago when there was nothing better on the PS3 and you never forget it. XD
Great suggestions! Thanks
Mass effect legendary edition for $6 is crazy.
Watched this video and realized that my plans for the evening have changed. I will be re-watching it over and over again😘
back then i didnt like FF9 when it came out, i was a stupid teenager back then and as i grow older i realize its the best FF game on the PS1…
except FF Tactics is the real 👑 🤭
Still waiting for that beat saber sale yaha c’mon and finally
boss can i get a heart or pin i watched an add for you
No memory card run of FF 7 makes you a legend. Would you do it again but take on the final boss and win?
10:45 to the stake
What games on psplus are worth playing now?
I plan to play thru ME2 & go into 3 after
I saw that the sinking city complete edition for PS5 was also under $10 I saw the gameplay teaser for the second game and it looks right up my alley, I’ll have to keep an eye on it.
C’mon man….. FF9 was a sleeper hit for the ps1😎….. I hope the remaster/light remake – does stay true to the OG.
copped shadow of war during the last sale…. that game is actually sleeped on hard asf
FF8 is incredible and has the best romance in a game
Ffs, now i wanna play Mass Effect again….. I should go