How To Invest In Crypto & Never Go Broke Achieve Financial Freedom Working With Me Personally – FREE Consultation Call:
5 Reasons Why Bitcoin is Better Savings Many say, “You should get a 401k or Roth IRA.” Del breaks down in 5 points why Bitcoin is a safer long-term savings vehicle than a 401k, Roth […]
I’m new to trading, and I’ve lost a good sum trying out strategies I found in online tutorials. I would sincerely appreciate any recommendations you have…
Thank you 🙏🏽
Stacking sats baby
Very useful information!!!
Can you recommend a good book on Bitcoin.
Great video 🙌🏽, very easy to understand how bitcoin investing works after watching this!
1.6mil in one month LOL, Us plebs can dream 😀
We need you on YouTube more Chris because your transparency is much respected. I remeber when you brought heavy into bitcoin while back.
Chris made millions investing in stocks, now he’s using his time to help others learn about the value of bitcoin. He’s only doing this to help ppl.
Good info!
Get money buy bitcoin ♻️
Is swan better than coinbase?
Black man buying Bitcoin in six figure chunks. I see you 🔥
Where do I start to get into bitcoin? Is there an app or something
Btc is great, but what other coins / dapps do you find value in?
You bought 1.7 million in bitcoin in one month ??? HOW?!
He’s back!!
Correct… as long you are thinking LONG TERM and not short term.
What about our coinbase BTC?
Bro what do you do for that kind of money?? Them buys are crazy, and I LOVE seeing that
Love the ice cube analogy
Your explanation made this so easy to understand and follow. Very valuable and useful information!
Love the ice cube analogy
You always make it easy for me to understand. Appreciate you so much!
So helpful ❤
use the liquid sidechain and tools like boltz exchange and sideswap if you stacking small amounts and then peg out to 1 larger UTXO bro
Facts still in from 19k. Thanks fam, been following you for a minute.
I’m new to trading, and I’ve lost a good sum trying out strategies I found in online tutorials. I would sincerely appreciate any recommendations you have…
Nice! I just did a video on this Topic!
Always looking for your content! #wealthsquad