Gaming can be really expensive. With consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X costing $500 dollars and games at $70 bucks, it can be really unaffordable. I’ve put together some tips to help you save money gaming. I hope this video helps you out!
#videogames #gaming #pcgaming
Thanks to the following for video footage:
Niktek, BriskBiru, Designs By IFR, ETA PRIME, Retro Dodo, Retro Game Corps
Im gonna disagree with paying extra for PS plus. As a former premium tier user, its more of a case of "heres 10 great games youve already played, and here’s a few hundred that arent worth your time at all."
Valorant is a paid game iykyk
Unfortunately now is more like "how to find time to play all this games"
I was recently introduced to green man and its a great service. Got Hogwarts at a discount. Great stuff
Hey man, i found your videos and started watching your other vid, your videos are great, but theres a small problem, why dont you add music in the background? Your videos just feel empty without them
Bruh can’t afford a triple A games? Everyone has a kidney duh
My GPD XP Plus cost around $500 and it can play some really powerful games itself sure it’s not perfect compared to Ayn Odin and all those $1000 dollar devices but it gets the job done.
Great tips, this is what I normally do on the regular. That said I don’t play PC much anymore, but the same things apply.
Also it’s important to distinguish between gsmes you care to play right away & others you’re willing to wait.
Explooooooosion ! š„
Great video, before moving to PC I used to use pre-owned games constantly
My comment got removed twice youtube what have I done wrong 0.o
probably makes sense to mention IsThereAnyDeal, that website compares alllll the websites like Green Man Gaming, there’s like dozens of these and there’s always a deal on ONE of them and you end up with a key on Steam (or Epic or Ubisoft, but you can check which is which obviously).
If you mostly play single player, then buy PS3 or 360 and these games:
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Dragon Age trilogy
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Mass Effect trilogy
TES IV Oblivion
TES V Skyrim
Maybe, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, Fable trilogy, GTA, Red Dead Redemption.
It will be enough to play for an entire life. It will probably take you more than a year to beat them all and by the time you have done you’ll forget enough to start another playthrough.
You should just accept that you won’t be able to play all games. Biggest game collection is 20139 games, with a speed 1 game per day it will take more than 55 years to finish. I feel like if you have more than 100 games you should sell the ones you like less. Spend it on something you will actually use.
EHEM pirate
GameFly is excellent wait for a sale which happens all the time I just picked up dead space remake for 25 no joke but again wait for a sale
Pawn shops are good place to get physical copies of video games. At the store I worked at, we would sell games for the Playstation and Xbox for like five bucks a piece
I personally never buy new games unless they were blessed by our lord and savior miyazaki.
At the end of the day, paying full price for a new release is your decision. Being a cautious consumer, having patience and doing research will reward you with a console’s best games for a third of what a new release costs. That is, if you’re playing on anything besides a Nintendo console.
R.I.P. Nintendo Selects.
Yeah case Nintendo games actually don’t loose value like ever.
Deus ex and thief 1&2 go for 1 dollar each every steam sale, some of the best games ever made
Steam sales are my blessing/curse. Setting a cap of NZD$20 (about USD$12-13) per game during those sales helps, too.
I generally donāt have much a problem with the cost of games, my favorite genre is JRPGs (probably close to the best value for your money as far as playtime / content) and I usually complete most story content so they run me 100+ hours. Although I have been dropping games that donāt hold my interest (sometimes 40-50 hours in), I usually didnāt pay full price for these either so it balances out. So as long as I only buy games I will play and donāt pay for a backlog, I can get pretty much what I want on release at full price. If Iām unsure about a game though I definitely only go for it on sale. Of course a better deal is always welcome, I might pick up a game I had my eye on early if I can save on it.
The limiting factor is my time to play them nowadays.
step 0: become a pirate
If you canāt afford video games then you should be playing less video games and work more. Duh