1. Mass effect Legendary Edition , you get SOO much game (trilogy) for like 5 bucks also crazy sale on xbox

  2. Those are some truly terrible suggestions absolutely do not waste ur money like these 🤡 are telling you to

  3. It’s pretty funny seeing two masterpieces, two of the best games ever made with Outer Wilds and Elden Ring, and then right after Dogshit Legacy. That game sold like 30 million copies and nobody talks about it anymore because it sucked.

  4. Picked up titanfall 2 ultimate edition for $2.99, never played it before and its a very fun game, the story is awesome and the movements are awesome too

  5. You asked this question, I immediately thought "Outer Wilds" and speak of the devil

    Anyway yeah please play the game and please dont google anything

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